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Hob Moor Community Primary Curriculum


We aim to teach a broad and balanced curriculum which will provide our children with a  rich range of opportunities, inspire them to learn, the skills to succeed and the self-belief to endeavour until they reach their goals. Throughout everything we do, we will promote the core values of REACH:


In order to enhance the learning experiences for our children we have moved to teaching in whole-school themes. We believe that learning in this way will enable the children to see how their work contributes to the wider school community. It gives them a common talking point and allows for greater collaboration between year groups and phases. It also allows us to focus assemblies, trips and visitors to match the themes and topics we are learning about. 

The themes have been chosen to promote one of the aspects of REACH (Respect, Effort, Attitude, Care and Honesty) which we hope will run through our core curriculum and everything we do. Each phase will build on the next and children will be looking at their overall theme with a progressive focus.

This year, children will study under whole school themes of Reach for Greatness;  Footprints of the Past; The Tales we Tell; A Moment in Time; No Place like Home and Treasures and Gold


Children’s knowledge is continually evaluated using high challenge, low threat activities. As a result, we understand pupil gains and when comparing this with expectations, ensures our pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the whole curriculum. Due to this focus, the children at Hob Moor achieve well and this is reflected in their well-being and self-confidence; the progress made and pupil attainment at the end of each key stage.

Curriculum Intent Statement

Curriculum Intent Statement by Subject