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Hob Moor Primary Academy
Green Lane, Acomb, York, YO24 4PS

Headteacher, Hob Moor Primary Academy: Mr Tim Jolly

Telephone: 01904 806655

Email: Hob Moor Primary:           

If you are a parent/carer and would like paper copies of information please email the school office via the address above. For all other enquiries please call telephone number

The person who deals with initial queries from parents and the public is Donna Brown, Administration Assistant, or another member of the Administration Team

Ebor Academy Trust

Federation of Hob Moor Oaks and Hob Moor Primary Academies is part of the Ebor Academy Trust at Ebor Business and Training Centre, The Leyes, Osbaldwick, York, YO10 3PR.  Tel 01904 806806
Ebor Academy Trust Chief Executive: Gail Brown
Chair of the Board of Trustees: Tricia Ellison

Contact Ebor Academy Trust


Chair of Governors:

Hob Moor Primary: Stephanie Windsor

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors please do so through the school – c/o Hob Moor Primary Academy, Green Lane, York YO24 4PS

Hob Moor Primary SENCO: Natalie Connolly –