Headteacher Update 12th July 2024
Events and opportunities continue with their usual buzz as we approach the final week of this academic year and near the long Summer holiday!
The children and staff have all worked incredibly hard, and we are so proud of each and every one of our children. Whilst we celebrate all we have achieved, a special mention must go to our Year 6 leavers. Year 6 performed amazingly well in their summer festival ‘Social Me’. All the children have worked hard on their enterprise activity and we are hoping they have raised lots of money for an extra special end of year treat. The children have been smiling non-stop and are so proud of their businesses. Thank you to all the Year 6 staff who have made this such a fabulous event, and to York Dance Space who worked with the children over 8 weeks to choreograph, and perform, such a memorable dance.
Fond Farewells:
Year 6, you will all be very much missed, but we know you have such wonderful adventures ahead as you move onto your new schools. Good luck and goodbye!
As the school year draws to a close, we find ourselves saying goodbye to: Mr Diggins, Mrs Dobson and Miss Miles. We wish them all the best as they are embarking on exciting new journeys.
We would like to say a special message to Mrs Lyons and Mrs Hanson who, after years of dedicated service, are embarking on a well-deserved retirement. We’re filled with immense gratitude for their dedication and service, and a touch of sadness to see them go.
Have a lovely weekend!