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Headteacher Update 13th December 2024

We are well and truly in the midst of Christmas festivities and it has been lovely to see so many of you who have been able to join us for our Christmas craft sessions alongside your children. Through hard work from our staff team, we have been able to provide the children with as many memorable experiences as possible, with visits to pantomimes being the highlight for lots of children.

I know you have appreciated all the additional opportunities to come into school and enjoy spending time with your children. With Open Doors and Christmas Crafts being so well attended, this has been a real bonus.

As we head into the final week of term, I would like to thank all families for your ongoing support. Through working closely together with you, it is the children who benefit most. I have had so many opportunities to witness the incredible potential of our children and it is a privilege to be a part of such a vibrant and supportive school community.

We understand that this time of year can be both exciting and challenging, and we want to assure you that we are here to support you and your family. If you, or your child, is facing any            difficulties, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

If I don’t see you in person before the end of term, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas, and hope that the New Year brings health and happiness for you and your loved ones.

A reminder that the children will return to school on Tuesday 7th January.


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