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Headteacher Update 13th September 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

The first two weeks back at school have flown by. It has been lovely to spend time with the children. Times of change can be a little daunting, with new classrooms, new teachers and other new children joining school. I am sure you’ll be delighted to hear that the children have settled really quickly into their new teams.

Can I please take the opportunity to thank many of you for the improvements in school uniforms. The children really do look very smart, especially now they are all wearing plain black footwear. A reminder please that no jewellery, other than earrings, should be worn to school.

On Monday, you will receive newsletters from your children’s teachers, giving more class specific information about what they are learning this term. We are also working hard to offer the children a wider range of lunchtime and after school activities, so please look out for opportunities to sign them up to these clubs.

I begin each day with a walk around the playgrounds as the children arrive. Please feel free to come and have a chat if there is anything you’d like to discuss, or even if it’s just to say hello. I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Have a lovely weekend in the last of the summer sun.


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