Headteacher Update 24th May 2024
Dear Parents & Carers,
I would like to start by saying how proud we are of our amazing children in Year 6. Last week they had their Year 6 SATS and their attitude towards the tests was really impressive. They showed resilience, perseverance and tried their very best. I would like to thank the Year 5 and 6 team for organising and supporting the SATS breakfast each day. This enabled the children to come into school early, have breakfast with their friends and have some chill out time before the SATS started. Thank you to everyone for encouraging at home and to our governors for supporting the process.
Today there is a real excitement in school about the new attendance ‘Golden Disco’. We would like to say a big thank you to all our families for supporting the new attendance initiative and ensuring your child attends school regularly. Your partnership is essential in creating a successful learning environment. We do know that at times children may get poorly and need time to recover at home. Therefore the ‘Golden Disco’ will take place again next half term so that everyone gets a chance to attend. Let’s Keep Up the Great Work! Maintaining this level of attendance is a fantastic accomplishment, and we encourage everyone to continue prioritising consistent school attendance. We appreciate your hard work and dedication!
I would like to say a thank you to everyone for their cooperation with the car park and the new system. This week we have seen a big improvement. We are continuing to look at long term solutions for the car park at Hob Moor Federation. Please can I just remind everyone to remember to stay within the speed limit in the school car park. Children are present and their movements can be unpredictable.
After half term we will be sharing with our families a calendar of events for the summer term and announcing an exciting event for Year 6.
I wish everyone a fantastic half term filled with fun, relaxation, and quality time with loved ones.
We look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday 3rd June.
Warm Wishes.