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Headteachers Update 23rd April 2021

Happy Friday everyone! Thank you to those parents who joined our parent’s group this morning. It was a small group of mums & dads but the topics of discussion were really insightful and helpful. We will share the minutes with relevant families next week. On Friday 7th May, we...

Headteachers Update 16th April 2021

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break, it was rather strange to experience the seasonal changes within a day wasn’t it?  Just to share more information with you regarding our ‘Complex Needs’ parents group. The name needs more work—I need your help...

Headteachers Update 23rd April 2021

Happy St Georges Day everyone! Earlier this week we had a lovely on-line assembly hearing the story of St George and the dragon and we asked the children to ask you all if you can remember hearing the legend when you were at school. I certainly can!  We linked the story of our...