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Headteachers Update 31st January 2020

What a great day we’ve had in school today. It’s wonderful to see all the children, and staff, joining in with our TT Rockstars Day, having lots of fun whilst practising our maths skills. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you have put into the children’s costumes. They look amazing!

Staff always work hard to make learning enjoyable for the children at Hob Moor and those of you who visited classes over the last few weeks, to join in a phonics session or to hear about how we teach reading, will have seen the teachers using lots of different ways to engage the children in their learning. I joined Team Swan on the Forest Schools lesson yesterday and couldn’t believe how excited the children were collecting treasures in our forest area to talk about back in the classroom.

Last week we hosted a visit from a group of Headteachers from Finland who came to explore our inclusive approaches in the classrooms and across the Federation. They were very impressed with how our children support each other in school and went back home with lots of ideas for developing their own schools.



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