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Headteachers Update

We have shared with you your child’s report this week. It was lovely to have the time to read them all, and share in the celebrations of this school year, I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I did! Please complete the enclosed feedback form to share your comments with us. A big thank you to all of our families who took the time to complete our parent survey last week around the wider reopening of school for the final two weeks of term. As you may be aware the Government issued guidance yesterday about the Guidance for Full Opening  for special schools yesterday.  We will be reopening fully from September, and will share an update with you about what this will look like in school, and what it means for our children and staff.  We know that this will be an anxious time for some of our children and families, especially those who haven’t been in school since March, please chat to us about this. All class teachers will be contacting families over the next two weeks to check in and touch base before the summer holidays. In preparation for September class teachers will also be sharing photos of the class team and children in the class.

We know that we have shared lots of school resources with families to use at home during the time that school has been closed, as part of our preparations for September we will need these items returning to school to enable us to begin to set up our classrooms. If you have items at home and your child is accessing school please could you return them to school next week. For larger items or if your child is not accessing school at the moment, please let your child’s class teacher know that these items will need collecting and we will arrange for Ian to pop out in the minibus! Our WEB team are currently making packs of information to share with families over the summer of activities, these will be shared with you before the summer holidays. Just a reminder that Hob Moor Oaks will be closed over the summer holidays, but the Family Information Service may be able to support with identifying holiday clubs or provision which are available.  Another useful contact would be the Early Help Team on 551900 option 2.


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