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Headteachers Update 10th July 2020

It has been great to see an increase of children in school full time this week with lots of carnival and summer activities taking place in all of our classrooms.  School is still not the same without all of our children in the building though. As we approach the end of term, many of our normal end of year celebrations are unable to happen as they would normally do. Classes have organised “Sports Day” activities in their bubbles, we have organised 2 Year 6 “socially distanced” picnic celebrations, the staff team have prepared all of the Leavers Assembly scrolls, and we have shared these on Tapestry with the families, these will also be shared with the Year 6 pupils during the picnics.

We plan to share with all parents some information about what school will look like in September, as I am aware that this is something which several parents have been asking about.  The WEB team will also be sharing information about the support available in York when school is closed for the summer holidays.

We have had a busy week of recruitment this week, and we are hoping that all of our vacancies will be filled in time for the start of the new school year.

Thank you for your ongoing support over the term, hopefully the weather will improve over the weekend in preparation for the final week of the school year.


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