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Headteachers Update 18th September 2020

This week Laura and I have been to visit all classes in school, as part of our learning looks, we have ensured that we have remained socially distant and worn our visors, something which some children found to be quite funny. We have seen some fantastic learning taking place, relationships growing and routines building.

As you will understand, we are continuing to work out how to make our routine school celebrations take place, while being safe. Last week we had our first ‘virtual assembly,’ with classes projecting assembly onto their class white board while I lead it,  unfortunately at the moment we can’t invite parents and carers to join us for this, however when I deliver the certificates we will post videos of the Golden Leaf        winners on to tapestry for parents and carers to see.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for our ‘dates for your diary’ updates, these are the planned events in our school calendar. The Parents Community Hub is a parents/carers group that gather once a term to discuss school improvement, ideas & any concerns. Rather than meeting in person for a cuppa and cake, we want to have a virtual one on Monday 5th October at 11am, I will be hosting, along with Caroline from our WEB Team, it’s a great opportunity to meet other parents, and chat about all things HMO, sorry but you’ll have to provide your own cake and cuppa this time! I’ll update you next week with how to join the meet up

Parent’s evening this year will take place in the first week of November, we are planning for this to be held virtually or by phone, we will keep you updated about this. This week we have shared with you a flow chart about whether you should send your child into school if they are unwell, we hope that you have found this useful when making any decisions. Please could you ensure that if your child is unwell and will not be in school that you let the school office know on 01904555000, this is to ensure that we know why your child is not in school. The school office team will also pick up any messages on the answer phone if there is no one in to take the call.



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