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Headteachers Update 22nd January 2021

Happy Friday to all our pupils, families, governors & staff, we hope you have all had a positive week. This week it has been wonderful to see interactions taking place via Tapestry. Our daily communications on individual care diaries has allowed for you as parents to receive live updates during the school day rather than wait until the home/school book arrives. It is normal practice for staff to complete home/school communications during lunchtime, now you get the instant message- teachers have said they are enjoying your feedback too! I’ve enjoyed hearing the laughter from staff as they develop their confidence in recording remote learning sessions. COVID is certainly upskilling us in areas we never thought we would need as educators!  By next week you will have received a Parent Hub message with a survey link for you to give feedback on your remote learning offer. It is still very new to us all, feedback and development is important to us all!
On Monday 8th February we will have our first Parents Community Hub of 2021. You will receive the calendar link to join the virtual meeting by Parent Hub next week. All parents or carers are welcome!  Once again, thank you for your support and cooperation this week, we continue to do our very best to stay safe and reduce the spread of the virus, closing bubbles to isolate or partially close due to staffing shortages will continue to challenge us but we will work together as we always do.

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