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Headteachers Update 26th March 2021

Happy Easter Everyone! We have had a wonderful end to our spring term this week. The efforts, creativity & planning that went into our ‘We’re going on an egg hunt’ sensory trail has been amazing. Enjoy the photographs below! The levels of engagement from all children was fantastic, the learning that has been encountered and experienced covered literacy, numeracy, science, design technology and of course ART! A huge thank you to our Creative Arts Team for their leadership on this event! Well done to Riley for a colourful Easter bonnet made at home.

On Thursday we had a virtual whole school Easter Assembly. Thank you to Rev. Simon Biddlestone for sharing a video contribution to help teach and remind us of the meaning of Easter, the children enjoyed learning Easter themed Makaton signs and of course – talking about chocolate eggs!

For any parents who wanted to log into our Parents Group for children with complex needs, please drop an email to—it is a very informal chat to help one another get to know services available, share resources and support each other where possible. It would be really great to welcome our new parents in Acorns and Seedlings, as I’m sure they will enjoy hearing experiences from parents of other children in HMO.
Have a wonderful fortnight—enjoy seeing your family & friends in the garden or outdoors! Stay safe.



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