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Headteachers Update 23rd April 2021

Happy St Georges Day everyone!

Earlier this week we had a lovely on-line assembly hearing the story of St George and the dragon and we asked the children to ask you all if you can remember hearing the legend when you were at school. I certainly can!  We linked the story of our patron saint to showing kindness in school and at home so I do hope the children have been extra kind to you and their brothers and sisters this week.  Last week we talked about the importance of using the words ‘Thank You’ and lots of children have been telling me they have remembered to use them at home too.

This term we are launching our new PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) curriculum through which our children will develop the knowledge and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.  You will find more detailed information about this on our school website next week.  If you would like to discuss aspects of this please email us on


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