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Headteachers Update 25th June 2021

What a difference two weeks can make!

On the 11th June I was really optimistic about our end of term events going ahead but then we received the news that our current restrictions would have to stay in place.  Having to maintain our class bubbles for the foreseeable future has resulted in the decision to delay our traditional ‘Sports Day’ event until late September when all the children can participate in their new ‘school houses’ that we are planning for the new academic year.  This is very disappointing but our guidance for the safe running of sports day with spectators would mean we would have to ensure social distancing between parents, attendance details would have to be provided for track and trace and if we provided access to toilets they would need to be cleaned between each use.  This was certainly not an easy decision to make but I hope you can appreciate that with concern around the rising number of cases in York and the fact that we have had a case in school this week that we have little option. We need to do everything we can to avoid anymore children having to isolate at this point in the year.

However we always look on the bright side and Mr Unwin has worked his socks off over the past two weeks to plan a really fun-packed Sports Week for the children instead.  Every child is going to get a chance to try something new, including Quidditch, Skateboarding, Yoga and Olympic Multi Sports.


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