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Headteacher Update 6th September 2019

Welcome back everyone!

It has been a lovely week at Hob Moor Oaks. We’ve welcomed  19 new children into our school this week and they’ve settled in quickly. We were so excited to see the smiley faces and to see how much the children have grown over the summer. Everyone is looking smart in their new school uniforms!
Please read our communication leaflet, this will remind you of the ways in which we communicate messages, learning achievements and information throughout the school year.

As part of our curriculum development day in July, we have reviewed our snack and baking ‘offer’. If you would like your child to each     specific snacks or produce, please send it in a labelled container. Our core offer for snack is fresh fruit, dry snacks such as breadsticks, rice cakes or raisins. We ask for £1 a week to contribute to the purchase of snacks and baking, via Parent Pay (half termly or termly contributions are welcome if this helps).

I managed to squeeze in an Applefields visit to check in with our Y6 leavers. Everyone looked super smart in their new uniforms but very small compared to the teenagers over there!

Next week’s newsletter will introduce all our new starters—staff and children!

Have a lovely weekend. Olivia



















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