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Headteachers Update 14th February 2020

Another successfull half term for our pupils and staff. The pupils have really engaged with their curriculum themes across school – ‘Taste The Rainbow’, ‘We All Go Travelling By’ and ‘To infinity and Beyond’. We are looking forward to our second Enterprise Week which is fast approaching, the overarching question is ‘What would David Attenborough do?’ the brief is to create a sellable product from ‘up-cycling’. Keep your eyes peeled for the parent afternoon dates during the Enterprise week (w/c 16th March).
Our Y6 residential takes place week commencing 23rd March, all staff and pupils are looking forward to it. Please ensure you are keeping up to date with information and communication regarding this. Key workers have been assigned and will require all your thoughts, feelings and information in advance to support the children to have a memorable experience.

As we are halfway through the school year and the pupils have demonstrated their skills linked to transition and independence, we are asking that parents drop their children off in the foyer. Our school day starts at 8.55am and we want to ensure that our drop off transitions are as smooth as possible and the learning in classrooms can begin promptly at 9am. All staff teams have been asked to ensure they have communicated with their team as to who is collecting your child in the foyer, if you do not access transport or those pupils that can walk down to class independently. Thank you for your understanding, please remember to write in the home/school book any     communications that are important as the drop off times will be limited. We wish you all a happy and enjoyable half term holiday. We look    forward to seeing you all on the 24th February.


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