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Headteachers Update 16th April 2021

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break, it was rather strange to experience the seasonal changes within a day wasn’t it?  Just to share more information with you regarding our ‘Complex Needs’ parents group. The name needs more work—I need your help to achieve this! As a school, we work hard to remove barriers and do not rely on labels but at times we are forced to use them. For those who are   reading this and wondering am I a parent of a child with ‘complex needs’? I hope the following information gives you a little more information about who this parent group is for.                                                                                                                                                                     The term complex needs usually describes a person who has two or more needs affecting their physical, social or mental health. So for our little people, this could be a child who has a physical disability and a medical condition. To support the development and progress our pupils make, we group our learners into classes that best support their curriculum access, stage of development and where possible age group. Relating this to children with complex needs, this predominantly means your child will access a pre-formal or semi formal curriculum—usually in Seedlings, Acorns, Twigs, Buds and Saplings (the class names vary year on year).
If this information resonates with you and your child, we’d love for you to join our parents group on Friday 23rd April. It will be an informal chat around family life, access to specialist services, charity funding, completing DLA processes etc. It will be a supportive place to share tips, share equipment such as borrowing an all-terrain buggy from a school friend, build your confidence to complete forms whether that be DLA or Charity Funding for specialist equipment. As this group is new, we can develop it into what our families need and require to make an impact on their quality of family life! This meeting will be virtual but we hope the one after May half term can be in person. Come along and stay for as long as you need, mute and no video is always an option too(a positive of the virtual world!) Again, please email       for the meeting link.


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