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Headteachers Update 16th October 2020

We can share some fantastic news with you that last night at the York Community Pride Awards 2020 Hob Moor Federation were announced as “School of The Year” for the work we did with our families during the COVID-19 school closures, this included the pavement visits, contact with families etc. As you will understand all staff are extremely proud to have received  this award.

We are looking forward to our Halloween celebrations next Friday,  we have had pumpkins and tea lights donated by Morrison’s so we can create a Halloween pumpkin hunt and class teams are planning some exciting activities.  Children can come to school in their outfits or change at lunchtime, if preferred. We will be sending out letters next week to parents to book appointments for parents evening phone calls for the first week back after half-term. I will update families next week about which classes are in which bubble in school.


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