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Headteachers Update 23rd April 2021

Happy Friday everyone! Thank you to those parents who joined our parent’s group this morning. It was a small group of mums & dads but the topics of discussion were really insightful and helpful. We will share the minutes with relevant families next week.

On Friday 7th May, we will be participating in the NSPCC ‘Number Day’ as a school. Our Maths Leaders will share more information in the upcoming week.

Just to remind you Friday 30th school is closed & Monday 3rd May is a bank holiday. We hope you have planned a lovely long weekend of fun with your children.

Please can you send your children in with sun hats and apply sun cream before sending them into school. Please send in sun cream if your child will require additional application during the school day.  We are enjoying the warmer weather in our outdoor areas!



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