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Headteachers Update 27th May 2022

Five weeks of wonder! This half term certainly has been a busy one, it is fair to say we’ve squeezed seven weeks of learning into five.

This week alone has been a week of live events… live musicians from Jessie’s Fund, live chicks for KS1, live swimming competition for KS2 and a live variety performance from the stars of Hob Moor Oaks. Watching Lauren play the keyboard; Logan T singing;   dancing performances from Ella and Benjamin; Blake and Presley telling jokes; we also had a couple of star performers from our friends in Hob Moor Primary – it was fabulous!

I am writing this prior to our street party but I can tell you that we will have a performance from Seedlings, Acorns, Twigs and Saplings to showcase their Jessie’s Fund work, as well as many Jubilee themed sensory activities and a royal bake off result.

On Wednesday and Thursday the Oaks hosted a Ebor Schools SEND swimming gala, this idea was developed from a great piece of work from Liz Waters, our PE lead, I’m sure you’ve enjoyed watching your children achieve their badges and awards. To ensure we have progression across the school, we have created the final stage of development —competitive swimming. We were joined by 5 other Ebor Academies to compete, enabling 29 children to represent their schools. It was a massive success and we look forward to our next event in July. Our Twitter feed will be very full this week—enjoy the photographs.

We continue to work hard to develop some supportive plans, activities and access for your summer holidays, we hope to be able to share our piece of work with you after half term. Stay tuned!

This week I’ve introduced a staff hero award, this is to highlight and celebrate the hard work and efforts our staff give day in day out. This week’s winner is Dan Walmsley for planning and delivering fantastic PE lessons! It has been an inspirational half term, we are excited for Summer 2 with sports day, transition visits and summer trips! Our curriculum themes are EYFS – You Are My Sunshine, KS1—Here Comes the Sun, LKS2—The Big Summer Picnic, UKS2 – T.E.A.M  (Together, Everyone, Achieves, More).


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