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Headteachers Update 29th January 2021

This week has brought huge sadness to our school community with the sudden loss of Saskia. We have received kind words from parents, past colleagues, trust schools and wider community – Thank you for taking the time to write these, reading them has brought comfort. In time, we will share our tributes and condolences to Saskia’s family, we will be arranging an online collection for staff, parents and close school contacts.   I will share this with you all in time.

In times of hardship, we seek support from one another, sadly, covid restrictions are challenging this natural way of support but the knowledge that our whole school family are sending their thoughts, love and strength will help rebuild us. Staff have been offered external support, if your family needs support or advice please contact us. Bereavement resources are available if families require these.

From Sunday, staff will begin Lateral Flow Device Testing. This will be completed twice a week, the aim is to identify staff who are symptom free of Covid 19. This will obviously have an impact on our staffing and bubbles if staff are asymptomatic. Please be patient with us, collectively we are all playing our part in reducing the spread of the virus.
From Monday, our school protocol for closing bubbles will be via text message initially. If your  message is received during the school day it will be followed by a telephone call (approx. 15mins    later). This is to give you time to process the information, gather your emotions and plan how you will collect your children from school. We acknowledge the news of bubbles closing causes distress, inconvenience and additional pressures to families, however, it is important to protect parents/staff relationships. In these exceptional times, staff are working under pressure and staff wellbeing is paramount. Thank you for your understanding!
I am pleased to announce, staff of Hob Moor Oaks have been offered a Covid 19 vaccine. We have sent our thanks to CYC in supporting us to achieve this. We must continue to adhere to all risk assessments and social distancing guidance as we continue to protect our school.


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