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Headteachers Update 6th November 2020

I hope you had a lovely half term, and were able to make the most of the days where the weather was nice? It was lovely to see lots of smiley faces and happy children returning to school on Monday.   Classes this week have started their new curriculum topics, and will be sharing class newsletters with you shortly so you can see what will be taking place. There has been some beautiful art work in classes taking place around Bonfire night and Remembrance Day.

I am aware that some of you have had questions about the government lockdown which started this week, but the guidance also talks about schools being a safe place for children and schools remaining open as normal for children to attend. If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We have reviewed our school risk assessment, and all of the measures continue to be in place. Part of the risk assessment does talk about classrooms being well ventilated through windows being opened to allow this. Please feel free to send in an extra layer for your child if you know they feel the cold. Next Friday is Children in Need day, children can wear Spotty clothes, please see over the page for details to send in donations this year.


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