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Headteachers Update 8th January 2021

This week has thrown unforeseen challenges that have impacted our school community. I hope today’s letter has resolved and repaired some of these concerns. For all of us, it has not been the start to a new term that we expect nor plan for, we look forward to developing our blended provision to enable staff to be creative and inspirational in our remote learning offer. I know many of you are keen to hear what the will look like, more information to follow next week.

Hayley Wilkinson is working hard to finalise plans regarding School Meals. We are pleased to be able to offer a hot or a cold meal option, please book on Parent Pay in the usual way. Free School Meal vouchers will be backdated to Tuesday 6th January for any child entitled to FSM, these will be sent next week. Please remember if your child is in school, receiving a FSM, you still have to book on Parent Pay! For week commencing 11th January if you have not already booked, please let us know via the home/school book and we will complete the booking for you.

I am sending another link embedded into a text message to encourage a quick response regarding your consent to temperature checks. I’m pleased to say all staff have agreed to temperature checks on a daily basis.

We are one big team and together we will overcome the challenges COVID19 brings. Please contact us if your circumstances change, we want to be as supportive as we can be. If families are shielding we will be phoning you on Monday to check in.

I hope you all have a positive weekend. To end on a positive, despite the challenges of the week, I am happy to be back working with your    fantastic children and our fabulous staff! I look forward to meeting our new September families soon.



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