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Headteachers Update 12th February 2021

After a very busy half term I hope everyone is safe and well. What a strange start to 2021 it’s been with some children getting to grips with   remote learning at home and some children learning in school.

I am so proud of our staff team for adapting so quickly to a whole new way of teaching and want to say a huge ‘Well done’ to all our children and families too, for engaging with our home learning programme. Over 90% engagement every day over the past 6 weeks is something you should all be proud of.

We appreciate how hard it must have been at times, but you’ve all stuck with it and the work the children have done has been exceptional. Once again our amazing families have taken on the challenge and we recognise the effort and pride that is going into learning at home.

We continue to do all we can to keep staff, children and families safe and reduce the spread of the virus. Last week our staff started Lateral Flow Device Testing. This happens twice a week, to identify anyone who is testing positive for Covid 19.

Our half term holiday starts tomorrow and I hope you all have a lovely break. We look forward to working hard towards getting all children back to school as soon after half term as we possibly can! We are missing them all so much!


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