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Headteachers Update 17th January 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

Happy New Year! Christmas seems a long time ago now but I hope you all had a restful one.  The children genuinely seem happy to be back at school and are working hard.

Yesterday Kate Biddlestone, our Chair of Governors, spent the morning with me in each of our classes and we were very proud of the positive attitudes the children have to their learning. They’re amazing and so are our staff!

Over the next few weeks a group of our children will be visiting the Lowfield Green development site as construction is about to start on the new homes.  We will be very excited to see where the roads will be too as Hob Moor Primary Academy are naming the new roads!        Before Christmas we held a competition to name the roads on the site. The children came up with some great ideas and the winners were:

Team Toucan – Aster Court            Team Razorbill – Restharrow Road

Team Albatross –Blossom Court    Team Osprey –Rosemary Road

Team Eagle – Mossy Bank Court    Team Falcon – Magnolia Court

The 6 classes were delighted to win a £30.00 Amazon voucher; I’m sure the classes will spend it well, Team Toucan have already bought some new golden time equipment.


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