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Headteachers Update 18th September 2020

It’s been wonderful to welcome everyone back to school and see so many happy faces enjoying their new term.

Last week we not only welcomed children and families into our Nursery and Reception classes but we also have 14 new children joining us across the school. We hope they have a fabulous time and make many new friends at Hob Moor.

A huge ‘thank you’ to all of our parents/carers for their support during our return to school.  It was certainly reassuring to see the responses to our ‘Return to School Survey’ where parents were telling us that they said their child had been happy on their return to school, parents and carers felt reassured by the safety measures we have put in place and that the staggered pick up and drop off times worked well.

As you’ve walked into the school grounds, I’m sure you’ll have noticed the work we’ve had completed over the Summer. The sensory garden has been tarmaced ready for some new planters to be installed, the KS1 children now have much more space to play and our new sports pitch is ready for PE lessons (after a very long wait!) The inside of the building, thanks to our hardworking Sewell’s team, is spick and span! Many areas have been painted for the new school year and the Yr3/4 classrooms have got lovely new carpet. We are very lucky.

Finally, this week we were very excited to find out that Hob Moor Federation has got through to the finals of the York Community Pride School of the Year Award. Keep your fingers crossed, our amazing pupils and staff certainly deserve it.




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