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Headteachers Update 11th June 2021

We’ve had a very hot and sticky week in school. Even with windows and doors open, electrical fans on – we have one hot school building! We recommend that you send your children in light weight clothing to help them regulate their temperatures. Sun cream, hats & changes of clothes are also helpful as water play will most likely increase too!  Alongside the newsletter this week, I am also sending a letter from City of York Council regarding Personal Transport Budgets (PTBs). Covid has brought us some positives, one of which is the increased number of parents transporting their children to school to reduce additional household mixing. It has been wonderful to see parents face to face on a daily basis, and to watch parents develop their friendships & relationships with other parents. I know it has also been beneficial to our staff teams in their relationships and communication with those parents too. Just to give you a little more information about the parent/carer drop offs in school, to support the volume of vehicles on our bus loop, our parent drop off/pick up timings currently are 9:10am & 3:30pm. This allows the bus loop to be clear so you can park at the front of school, as well as meet and greet fellow parents. Please see the letter attached via Parent Hub for your information. Finally, we have current vacancies for our Midday Care Assistants. This role is to support the children during lunchtimes, playtime and with personal care before learning takes place in the afternoon. If you know of anyone with the skills, experience and qualities to work with our pupils please share the advert on:  Please see the info re: Hairdressing overleaf – a COVID secure Risk Assessment has been completed.


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