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Headteachers Update 6th May 2022

I hope everyone enjoyed the extra long Bank Holiday weekend, I can’t believe we’re nearly half way through the half term.  It is such a short half term but certainly action packed!

This week has been a really positive week for us all, celebrating the achievements of your children during our Parent’s Evenings was fantastic.  Thank you to everyone for completing our Parents Survey.  We have now had over 150 responses and feel this is a true representative of your views about our school.  We have an incredible team of professionals and it was a pleasure to share the results of this survey in our team briefing this morning.  I will feed back in more detail before half term but the highlights for me were that 98% of you agreed that their child(ren) were happy at Hob Moor, just over 98% felt their child(ren) was safe in school and 96% of you would recommend our school to another parent.  This is a great result, however as a team we are always looking to improve provision for all our children and we will let you know how we are going to respond to these results, together with the results of a pupil survey we are currently working on.

This term as we celebrate The Queens Platinum Jubilee we are having a big focus on promoting ‘British Values’ with assemblies, competitions and activities in class.  Last week children designed some amazing posters for the ABM catering competition and this week they have the opportunity to design a piece of bunting for our Ebor Academy Trust competition.  Winners of this will have their entries made into bunting which will be used to decorate all 24 Ebor schools for the Jubilee celebrations.

Our school will celebrate together on Friday 10th June by having a street party style lunch and dressing in red, white and blue.


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