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Headteachers Update 17th June 2022

Happy Friday! There has been a lovely buzz around school this afternoon as we welcomed the Dads, Grandads and father figures in our pupils lives into school for a play and an ice pop. It was a really positive turn out with 39 gents—thank you! I hear those who cannot attend today will be joining us at Sports Day too.

On Thursday the Dandelion Arts Company visited us to perform ‘The Story Garden’, the children accessing our semi formal and formal curriculum watched the performance, then decorated a plant pot before planting a jubilee seed. Enjoy the photographs overleaf.

This week we have reintroduced two aspects of school life that make us feel connected as a school community, the first is welcoming classes back into the dining hall for lunch. Trunks, Branches, Roots & Catkins have been fantastic at adapting to change. The second reintroduction is our lunchtime choir. Monique has brought her musical talents and passion to invite a group of pupils to join in the inclusive choir every Thursday.

Please dress your children in cool clothing this half term, the heat in our school is unpleasant at times. Suncream, share clothes and hats are also needed.



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