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Headteachers Update 17th September 2021

Happy Friday everyone! Our first full week at school and we have some very tired children today! This week we have seen fantastic self help skills during lunch time, children feeding themselves, managing new blended diets, using symbol exchange to request favoured treats and using cutlery appropriately!

Following training from Sensory Technology on Monday, our brand new sensory theatre has been test run by some pupils in Twigs, Seedlings & Acorns! We cannot wait to share a video & photographs with you very soon. We will have an official opening of the room with our charity funders—Wooden Spoon, Ed De Nunzio & Purey Cust. We have also installed visual and auditory stimulation into our white room, a room with suspended equipment for sensory regulation.

A group of wonderful staff are taking on the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge on Saturday 18th to fund raise for our Y6 Residential and wider school funds. Check out their go fund me page at

Don’t forget school photographs on Thursday 23rd!


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