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Headteachers Update 6th May 2022

Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our parents/carers consultation evenings this week. The Communication Roadshow was a success and we hope those who attended are more confident to discuss the communication strategies their child is using in order to support progress and skill development beyond the school building. Our aim as always, is to support our pupils to develop a meaningful and functional mode of communication via non-verbal or verbal means.  We hope to provide a short video to help you understand how we assess your children’s progress via tapestry. We will share a link when we are ready to launch it.

Thank you for your understanding with the short notice to move our Parents Community Hub, as I explained, our main theme is to discuss holiday provision to try and support you all as best we can in planning some exciting and inclusive holiday outings for you and your families. All are welcome to join our proactive conversations on Tuesday 10th May, 10am at HMO.

Also on Tuesday we have ‘The Apple Cart’ coming to host a pop up shop. The Apple Cart is ran by Applefields post 16 pupils, it’s a cash only shop and will be selling pick and mix sweets and some homemade crafts. Please come along or send some money in if you’d like your children to help support this initiative. We are excited to work in partnership with The Apple Cart to support the student’s work experience.

It was great to see so many parents at our Golden Leaf assemblies this week at last, so much to celebrate with our swimming awards!


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