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Friday Letter 29th April 2022

Welcome back everyone. It is a short half term but it is going to be a busy one!

Oak Leaves, Boughs and Oak Trees have already been on a wonderful educational visit to Eureka this week.

Our talented teaching team are beginning to plan our Jubilee celebrations, we’ve started by making a list of 70 royal themed activities we’d like our pupils to experience in the final week of the half term. Watch out for your royal invitation to our Jubilee Street party on Friday 27th May!

To enhance our curriculum further, we have secured a 5 day project with Jessie’s Fund, music therapy charity. This will be targeted pupils in Seedlings, Acorns, Twigs and some in Saplings and Trunks, parents of these pupils will be invited to join these sessions – the dates are 17th, 18th, 19th, 24th & 25th May. Emma Priest will confirm the timings ASAP.

Thank you those parents who attended the Sensory Processing Workshop. If you have any other ideas of workshops or training you’d like to receive, please contact the admin team to share your ideas. We’d love to develop this offer further.

Today we had a very busy assembly, filled with lots of parents celebrating the achievements in our newly launched swimming badge awards. Liz  Waters our PE lead has implemented these changes and it’s brilliant to see the progression across the school.

Enjoy celebrating the achievements with your children and sewing the badges onto their towels!




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