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Headteachers Update 1st April 2022

The theme of this week’s newsletter is TEAMWORK!
To the team who supported our amazingly brave and courageous Y6s at Lea Green—your teamwork and energy was impressive! The laughter, smiles and memories made were very special to watch. Thank you to the staff for going above and beyond to make this happen. Thank you to Gemma for her leadership and organisation for what has been another successful residential after a two year gap!
To the school based team who have worked creatively to ensure we can safely offer face to face education to as many pupils as we possibly can. It has been a busy Spring term, we have tried hard to bring our community back together in events such as whole school assemblies, parent invitations to participate in events such as celebration assemblies, Mother’s day, EHCP reviews. I know, hearing news  of remote or blended learning is not a message you’d like to receive, I can assure you, it’s not the message I thought I’d be sharing in March 2022, nor do I want to make these decisions. Your children’s wellbeing and safety is paramount and if we do not have the ratios to be safe, we must revert to risk assessments on blended provision and remote learning. As my previous letter explained, we will do this as a last resort. By cancelling our whole school events for this week I hope we can get through to Friday fully open – it’s not going to be easy. I understand this is a very stressful situation for all stakeholders, please be kind when contacting school, we are doing our very best under difficult circumstances.
To the parents who have had to juggle their work commitments whilst supporting their children to cope with a blended or remote learning offer, thank you for your understanding and co-operation. I hope with changes to staff testing, things will ease between domestic guidance and DfE guidance. If you are concerned about your child’s health in relation to the easing of restrictions and testing, please contact school so we can discuss this with you. PS—Sorry for the delay in the Friday letter, I needed to catch up on sleep after 3 inspirational days in Lea Green and spend some time with my family.



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