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Headteacher Update 13th October 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you know as a school we have signed up for the NSPCC “Kindness Challenge” project whereby children are encouraged to carry out acts of kindness in school, at home and in the community. It has been lovely to see these acts of kindness around school (including being kind to yourself and wearing fluffy socks!!!).

My lunchtime chess club managed our first game this week, and the children could remember the name of every chess piece and the directions each piece could move! I was very impressed!

It’s National School Meals Week, the week beginning 6th November, and we are inviting Reception parents of children having a school dinner that day to enjoy a free school dinner along with their child on Wednesday 8th November in school (more  details to  follow).

Unfortunately after a great start to our school attendance, this has dipped recently. Whilst we know some absences are unavoidable, we would like to stress the importance of children attending school every day. More information will be shared with you at parents evening and some potential action plans will take place where needed.

The latest safety guidelines regarding jewellery and P.E. is that all earrings must be removed for P.E. lessons.  If for whatever reason they cannot be removed, tape will be provided by the class teacher. Please let your teacher know if there are any issues with this, and if so, provide tape that the children are able to wear. Thank you for your support in this, our goal, as always, is to keep our children safe and to enjoy their P.E. lessons.

Another polite reminder for everyone is to please dismount from any scooter or bike once entering the school grounds for the safety of all. Also, for the younger children not to be unaccompanied in the playground before the start of the school day at 8.40am.       

Happy weekend everyone!


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