Headteacher Update 1st March 2024
Dear Parents & Carers,
We have been very busy in the last few weeks introducing some new positive reward systems for the children. The children are aware of these and are responding really well.
Firstly, individual children who display good behaviour may be rewarded with a Golden Ticket, for which they get a place on their class Golden Grid. When the grid is full, the person in the winning square receives a prize. The children are really enjoying this system, and many prizes have already been awarded across school.
When a class does something well as a team (e.g. coming in after playtime beautifully & settling down to work quickly), they will be rewarded with an apple on their tree. When the tree is full of apples, they get a class reward of their choice.
If your child is put on ‘Wow’, for consistently displaying amazing behaviour over a period of time, they will receive a sticker saying “Ask me how I’m on wow”. Children and adults around school will then spend time with them discussing the reason for their sticker. Children also receive a ‘Wow’ postcard, which will come home in the post. These children also stand in assembly on Friday and are given a round of applause from the whole school.
I am sure you will appreciate how important it is to reward those children who consistently display such positive behaviours.
Have a lovely weekend.