Headteacher Update 26th January 2024
My first 3 weeks as Headteacher have absolutely flown by and it has been lovely to meet so many of you. The children continue to amaze me with their kindness and their smiles, with so many stopping to chat to me as I pass around school and spend time in their classrooms. Over the coming weeks, we will be working hard with the children to embed some classroom and school routines. We will be discussing this with children in assembly next week and will share information with you so you’re fully aware of what’s happening. There’s nothing especially new or different, it’s more a case of making sure that all children are aware of expectations – that’s how we all learn best.
Many thanks to those parents who have attended meetings to discuss their children’s attendance with me. Our whole school attendance levels remain a concern, however I am delighted with the improved attendance already since January for many of our children. Can I please ask you to aim to be at school 5 minutes earlier than you currently arrive? Many children are arriving late each day and it unsettles not only them, but the other children in their class when they arrive. We want the best possible start to the day for all children.