Headteacher Update 16th June 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
What a wonderful start to the final half term of the year! The sun is shining and the children are very excited about all our up and coming plans. There is a lot to look forward to; I am certainly looking forward to the trip to London with our amazing Year 6’s.
Staffing Update
As some of you already know, we’ll be saying goodbye and good luck to Mrs Barr next Friday as she embarks on her maternity leave. We are very fortunate to have Miss Kirby returning from her maternity leave to teach Team Octopus three days a week and Mrs Snell will teach 2 days. At the end of term we will also be saying goodbye to Mr. Lennon as he takes up a new role closer to home. We will be sad to see him go but we wish him well on his new adventure. As you know because of my retirement at the end of this term, Mr Jolly was appointed as the new Headteacher of Hob Moor. Mr Jolly will visit at points in the autumn term, but will begin the role full-time in January. Therefore, for the duration of the autumn term, Miss Hagen is very excited to be appointed as Head of School, supported by Mrs Connolly as acting Deputy Headteacher. I am delighted that I will also be supporting the leadership team in a consultant Headteacher role on a part time basis until Christmas.